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Since the GST was first implemented in 1991, a continual source of misconception has been that the GST represents a single tax.  In fact, there are potentially four different applications of the GST – i.e., reflected in Divisions II through IV.1 of the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”). When combined with the provincial HST component, further permutations can occur.

A major source of work (because of mistakes made by Canadian residents and non-residents alike) has been the application of Divisions II and III of the ETA, which are reviewed here, and which can quite counterintuitively result in the application of both a 5% GST and up-to a 15% GST/HST on one single supply of goods.  Effectively, tax applying twice on a single transaction!

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As we wrote in a previous blog post, the federal government amended subsections 256.2(3.1) and (3.2) of the Excise Tax Act (the “ETA”) to introduce an enhanced GST/HST residential rental property rebate applicable to new purpose-built rentals (the “Enhanced Rebate”), which took effect on September 14, 2023.

On July 17, 2024, the Real Property (GST/HST) Regulations (the “Regulations”) were published in the Canada Gazette, providing guidance on the implementation of the Enhanced Rebate, including the prescribed conditions and definitions of eligible properties.

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Bill C-69, which received Royal Assent on June 20, 2024, contains various amendments to implement the federal government’s 2024 Budget.  In this blog, we discuss a small but important amendment:  supplies of certain face masks, respirators and face shields are no longer classified as zero-rated supplies!

Background – Zero-Rated Supplies

Section 165 of the Excise Tax Act (the “ETA”) generally imposes the GST/HST on recipients of taxable supplies made in Canada.  Zero-rated supplies are a subset of taxable supplies which are taxed at the rate of 0%.  Common examples of zero-rated supplies include basic groceries, prescription medications, and some medical devices.

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Hits: 526

As we have previously reported on here and here, Canada has continued to expand its economic sanctions on Russian nationals, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, targeting individuals and entities believed to be linked to the Russian regime.

Canada’s sanctions have been primarily imposed under the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations (the “Russia Regulations”), the Special Economic Measure Act (“SEMA”), and through other similar regulations targeting persons in Belarus, Ukraine and most recently Moldova.  In total these sanctions include asset freezes and financial prohibitions, and even apply to certain listed persons set out in the Schedules within the regulations.  These lists change frequently, are hard to get off of, and have impacted more than 2,900 individuals and entities.

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Hits: 501

The CBSA has historically requested password information from travelers in order to search their smartphones, personal computers and tablets, on the basis that these devices are searchable like all other “goods” coming into Canada.

The Ontario Court of Appeal in The King v. Pike (2024 ONCA 608) has determined, however, that the CBSA’s routine searches of such electronic devices is contrary to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”) and is unconstitutional!

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On July 18, 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) issued a Notice of Conclusion of its investigation in the ongoing Expiry Review of certain Carbon Steel Welded Pipe 1 (“CSWP-1”) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (the “Subject Goods”).  

The CBSA determined that the expiry of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s (“CITT”) order dated March 28, 2019, in Expiry Review No. RR-2018-001 is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of (i) dumping of the Subject Goods and (ii) subsidizing of the Subject Goods.

More detail, including a full definition of the Subject Goods can be found in the Statement of Reasons for the determination.

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Over the past several years, the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) has been in the midst of a digital service transformation.  Like the CBSA’s “CARM” project, which we previously discussed here, this initiative appears to be a response to the Canadian government’s “digital first” policy, which aims to build digital delivery into government operations and services.

While the CRA now provides Notices of Assessment electronically through online portals including “My Account” and “My Business Account”, access to such documents remains difficult for many, especially non-Canadian residents who may be unfamiliar with the Canadian tax system.

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On August 12, 2024, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the “CITT”) issued a notice that it was beginning an expiry review in respect of certain Circular Copper Tube originating in or exported from the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Hellenic Republic (Greece), the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and the United Mexican States (Mexico) (the “Subject Goods”).  On August 13, 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (the “CBSA”) similarly gave notice of the initiation of their parallel expiry review investigation.

More details on the technical definition of the Subject Goods can be found here.

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Hits: 482

On July 2, 2024, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the “CITT”) issued a preliminary determination of injury, concluding that there was evidence that the alleged dumping of certain concrete reinforcing bar from Bulgaria, Thailand and the UAE has caused material injury to the domestic industry.

Background Information

On May 6, 2024, following the initiation of an anti-dumping investigation by the Canada Border Services Agency (the “CBSA”), the CITT initiated a preliminary injury inquiry in respect of alleged dumping of concrete reinforcing bar, which we covered in a previous blog post

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As we wrote in a previous blog post, the Canada Revenue Agency (the “CRA”) has announced a “Coordinated Vaping Duty System” framework to manage the payment, collection, remittance and refund in respect of the additional vaping duty imposed under section 158.58 of the Excise Act.

Since the additional duty came into force on July 1, 2024, the CRA has released further guidance on the framework, including the use of vaping excise stamps and registration obligations within the vaping stamping regime.

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When a person (whether a corporation or natural individual) crosses a border to perform services, Canada and the US have detailed taxing rules, aimed at ensuring that the person entering the other country properly reports those activities.  These rules often come with mandatory “withholding taxes“ on the payer of the services resident in the country where the services are being performed.

Canada has recently fine-tuned its position on Regulation 105 withholding, which may come as a surprise to many involved in the cross-border provision of services.  

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On July 29, 2024, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the “CITT”) issued a notice that it was beginning an expiry review in respect of thermoelectric containers (coolers) originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (the “Subject Goods”).  On July 30, 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (the “CBSA”) similarly gave notice of the initiation of their parallel expiry review investigation.

More details on the technical definition of the Subject Goods can be found here.

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Hits: 482

On July 22, 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) released a notice of its preliminary determination of dumping and subsidizing in respect of certain pea protein from China. 

Provisional duties are now imposed on imports of the Subject Goods released from the CBSA on or after July 22, 2024!

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Hits: 559

As we have blogged about here, in the world of “natural health products” (“NHPs”), the ability to import unlicensed products into Canada for personal use — colloquially known in the industry as “Not for Resale” (“NFR”) — is a hot topic for direct sellers.  Businesses need to understand the specific and narrow administrative policies which allow for these importations, so they do not draw the ire, and enforcement actions, of Health Canada!

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Hits: 769

When Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) Officers have reason to believe that the proper procedures have not been followed at the border on the import of goods (i.e., an item has been concealed for reporting, or an incorrect value or description has been provided), the Officer has the power to either seize the good and sometimes the conveyance (i.e., vehicle) used to transport it, or issue an ascertained forfeiture after the fact.

Both actions may come as a surprise to the importer — especially given that even minor contraventions of the law can lead to these significant seizures and actions, thereby requiring detailed and confusing appeal processes to remedy.

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As we previously discussed here, the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (“FINTRAC” or the “Centre”) plays a crucial role in combating illegal activities like money laundering and terrorism financing.

The Centre operates under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (the “Act”), which lays out a complex web of reporting, record-keeping, and identity verification requirements.  When these requirements are not met, enforcement measures, including Administrative Monetary Penalties (“AMPs”), come into play.

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Our tax system is complex, with many potential procedural pitfalls that taxpayers need to navigate.  One such issue is the jurisdictional boundaries between the Tax Court and the Federal Court for tax disputes.  Recent Supreme Court’s companion decisions in Dow Chemical Canada ULC v. Canada (“Dow Chemical”), and Iris Technologies Inc. v. Canada (“Iris”) provide clarifications on this issue.  However, these “clarifications” may result in a less streamlined and more costly process and thus may not be good news for taxpayers.

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Recently we’ve noticed an uptick in the number of Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) audits regarding the tariff classification of gloves (see our prior blog).  With its mid-year update, the CBSA has officially upgraded this focus to a Trade Compliance Verification Priority!

This marks the third time gloves have been a “verification priority” having previously been in the spotlight in 2017 and 2019.  The results from the first two rounds revealed that 82% of the 49 companies targeted were non-compliant, resulting in reclassification duties and penalties totalling over $2.6 million.

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On June 27, 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) issued a notice that it will be conducting a re-investigation in respect of oil country tubular goods originating in or exported from Chinese Taipei, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Türkiye and Vietnam (the "Subject Goods”).  This re-investigation falls under measure in force code OCTG2.  Detailed information, including the definition of the Subject Goods, can be found on the OCTG2 page.

Additionally, the CBSA has announced it will also update the surrogate normal values for certain seamless carbon and oil country tubular goods originating in or exported from China, under measure in force codes SC and OCTG1 respectively!

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On June 20, 2024, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the “CITT”) issued a preliminary determination of injury, concluding that there was evidence that the alleged dumping and subsidizing of certain pea protein from China (the “Subject Goods”) has caused material injury to the domestic industry.

More details, including the definition of the Subject Goods and product inclusion can be found in the determination here.

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Hits: 378

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