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Excise Tax Act - Tax & Trade Blog

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A recent decision of the Federal Court of Appeal, Canada v. Csak, 2025 FCA 60, underscores that the federal Interpretation Act (the “Act”) rules concerning the computation of time for deadlines are complicated, and can both help and harm taxpayers depending on the circumstances.

Taxpayers will need legal advice to determine how the Act’s computation of time rules intersect with various deadlines under the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”) and other federal legislation.  How that intersection plays out may impact taxpayers’ rights.

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Hits: 126

In a previous blog post, we discussed the high tax rates on Wine, Beer & Spirits products and the complex legal framework surrounding them.  In this 101 series, we will cover key topics, including Licensing Requirements, Audits and Assessments, and Enforcement Actions.  This first installment focuses on the Licensing Requirements for producers of Wine, Beer & Spirits products.  Licensing is often seen as the first step in compliance, and failure to meet these requirements can result in severe penalties, including fines, imprisonment, or both.

Wine Licence

Under subsection 62(1) of the Excise Act, 2001 (the “EA 2001”), a person is prohibited from producing or packaging wine without a Wine Licence, except in certain cases such as producing for personal use.  To obtain a licence, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria, which vary depending on whether they are individuals, partnerships, or corporations.  A common requirement is that the applicant has to demonstrate sufficient financial resources to operate business in a responsible manner.

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After COVID, the CRA seems to be really ramping up its audit activities, both for GST/HST and income tax matters.  Once a Notice of Assessment is issued, reversing the CRA’s position becomes an uphill battle as the Objection and Appeal processes are technical and complex.

This blog focuses on the Objection and Appeal processes under the Excise Tax Act (the “ETA”), highlighting common pitfalls and the need for a strategic approach in tax disputes.

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In yet another interesting legal battle involving Uber, the Ontario Court of Appeal has confirmed that even when a party overpaid on GST/HST, there is no right to recover that tax from the person or company that charged that tax.

This means the only redress is through the refund or rebate provisions in the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”).

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"Reverse and rebill" situations are very common in the Oil, Gas and Petrochem industry, especially in situations where goods are delivered in one reporting period but invoiced (or reversed and rebilled) in another reporting period because of formula-based pricing. There are a number of other situations where it is also necessary to "true-up" commercial invoice previously issued, and the GST/HST reporting and remittance requirements in these situations are counterintuitive.

Unwary businesses often face subsequent CRA assessments for taxes not collected, with the CRA taking the position that taxes were required to be collected on the issuance of both invoices unless proper credit note steps are taken.

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Hits: 389

As we have blogged here and here, dealing with and appealing Director’s Liability Assessments for GST/HST purposes or source withholding purposes on the Income Tax side is generally an uphill battle. 

The Tax Court’s recent decision in Donaldson v. The King (2022 TCC 159) underscores that a corporation dealing with business down-turns by holding off on paying the CRA its required remittances is a losing strategy!

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As we wrote in a previous blog post, the federal government amended subsections 256.2(3.1) and (3.2) of the Excise Tax Act (the “ETA”) to introduce an enhanced GST/HST residential rental property rebate applicable to new purpose-built rentals (the “Enhanced Rebate”), which took effect on September 14, 2023.

On July 17, 2024, the Real Property (GST/HST) Regulations (the “Regulations”) were published in the Canada Gazette, providing guidance on the implementation of the Enhanced Rebate, including the prescribed conditions and definitions of eligible properties.

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Bill C-69, which received Royal Assent on June 20, 2024, contains various amendments to implement the federal government’s 2024 Budget.  In this blog, we discuss a small but important amendment:  supplies of certain face masks, respirators and face shields are no longer classified as zero-rated supplies!

Background – Zero-Rated Supplies

Section 165 of the Excise Tax Act (the “ETA”) generally imposes the GST/HST on recipients of taxable supplies made in Canada.  Zero-rated supplies are a subset of taxable supplies which are taxed at the rate of 0%.  Common examples of zero-rated supplies include basic groceries, prescription medications, and some medical devices.

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As we initially described here, the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) continues auditing and assessing individual home-owners who have either substantially re-built their homes or commissioned the construction of a new home for their own use on the resale value of those homes in a number of alarming instances.

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A recent Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA“) decision in Pillon v. Canada (2024 FCA 24) highlights the difficulties that Tax Debtors will face if trying to avoid GST and income tax debts.  Both the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”) and the Income Tax Act (“ITA”) have extremely powerful collections tools allowing the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) to assess certain non-arm’s length persons (think spouses, children, relatives, close friends and associates) that have been transferred a Tax Debtor’s property for less than fair market value (“FMV”).  These rules can even apply to corporate shareholders receiving dividends from delinquent corporations.

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The recent decision of the Tax Court of Canada (“TCC”) in Refind Environment Inc. v. The King (2024 TCC 2) is a poignant reminder of the importance of filing deadlines.

In Refind, the TCC dismissed an application for an extension of time to file a Notice of Objection against assessments under the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”) because the Registrant was one (1) day late in filing their application for an extension of time to the Minister of National Revenue (the “Minister”)!

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As we blogged about here, experienced indirect tax practitioners will know to always check section 154 of the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”) when dealing with provincial taxes and to think about whether the that provincial tax is excluded from the “consideration” for the supply. If the provincial tax is not excluded, it means that GST will be applied on top of the provincial tax — in effect meaning there will be tax (GST) on the tax (provincial sales tax).

The most recent issue of the CRA Excise and GST/HST News explained how the GST applies on top of British Columbia’s Major Events Municipal and Regional District Tax ( “Major Events Tax” or “MET”) and serves as another example of this principle in practice.

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The Tax Court of Canada recently released its decision in Windsor Elms Village for Continuing Care Society v. The King (2023 TCC 58), which dealt with the application of the GST/HST self-supply rules to a long-term care facility for seniors. The decision illustrates the complexity of the self-supply rules under the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”), especially in the context of mixed use or exempt use real estate transactions.

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On September 14, 2023 the Prime Minister announced upcoming legislation to remove the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the construction of new apartment buildings. 

The announcement also called on the provinces participating in the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), or that impose their own provincial sales tax, to match the federal government’s rebate.  In a twitter post the Ontario Minister of Finance has already indicated they will “work closely with Ottawa to do the same when it comes to Ontario’s portion of the HST.”

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A common misconception when it comes to oil and gas trading with Canada is that, for GST/HST purposes, there will never be any obligations on foreign sellers selling on a DAP basis.* This is not true, and there can indeed by GST/HST collection and remittance obligations on US and international sellers, if certain conditions are met.

To understand why these misconceptions exist, one needs a deeper appreciation of the Canadian GST/HST legislation, found in Part IX of the Excise Tax Act(“ETA”), and also to get deep into the mindset of the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”), which administers the ETA and enforces GST/HST compliance.

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Whether a supply is taxable under the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”) can depend, in part, on how that supply is characterized. In normal commercial relations, businesses will often bundle many diverse services together – including both taxable and exempt services. Once bundled together, one must consider whether they remain multiple supplies, or whether they now constitute one single supply. If a single supply, one must then determine the character of that supply, which can impact whether it is taxable or exempt.

The courts’ approach to characterizing bundled supplies has evolved over the last few years. This was especially apparent in last year’s Federal Court of Canada (“FCA”) decision in Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v. Canada, 2021 FCA 96 (“CIBC 2021”), which was recently denied leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) — making it the law of the land.

The recent Tax Court of Canada (“TCC”) decision in Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v. The Queen, 2022 TCC 83 (“CIBC 2022”), is an example of how the TCC is now applying the FCA’s text-focused approach to other GST/HST characterization cases.

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Subsection 141.01(2) of the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”) deems a property or service acquired for use in a business to be for use in commercial activities only to the extent that it is used in the making of taxable or zero-rated supplies. On the other hand, subsection 141.1(3) provides that any action of a person in connection with the acquisition, establishment, disposition, or termination of a commercial activity is deemed to occur in the course of commercial activities. An apparent conflict therefore exists where a property or service is acquired by a registrant in connection with the acquisition, establishment, disposition or termination of a commercial activity, but where taxable supplies have not yet been made or have ceased: a registrant is deemed to have incurred the property or service in the course of commercial activities by subsection 141.1(3), but also deemed to have incurred same in the course of non-commercial activities by subsection 141.01(2).

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A New Housing Rebate (“NHR”) is available under ss. 254(2) of the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”) to enable those who qualify to obtain a rebate of GST/HST paid on the purchase of a new residential property. To qualify para. 254(2)(b) says a “particular individual” must acquire a property for use as a primary place of residence of that individual or a family member.

In Cheema v. The Queen, 2016 TCC 251, the Tax Court of Canada (“TCC”) held that based on the general principle that a bare trust is considered a non-entity for tax purposes, a guarantor that signs an agreement of purchase and sale as a bare trustee for the beneficial owners was not a “particular individual”.

The TCC decision was recently overturned by the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) in Cheema v. The Queen, 2018 FCA 45 (“Cheema”) where a 2-1 majority held that a bare trustee was a “particular individual”.

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The term "arranging for", which is not statutory defined, is generally interpreted to include activities performed by financial intermediaries such as agents, brokers and dealers in financial instruments. If it is determined that an intermediary is providing a supply of a financial service under paragraph (l) of "arranging for" a service (and not excluded by any of paragraphs (n) to (t)) of the definition of “financial service” under section 123(1) of the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”)), the service is exempt under Part VII of Schedule V of the ETA. In Barr v. The Queen (2018 TCC 86), the Tax Court of Canada (“TCC”) determined that the activities performed by the brokers in relation to a private sale of a business were not exempt from GST/HST as “arranging for” services and, therefore, the commission received by the brokers was subject to GST/HST.

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In Canada, most financial services are exempt from tax under the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”). This means that financial institutions cannot charge GST/HST and cannot claim input tax credits (“ITCs”) to recover the GST/HST that they have paid to provide these exempt financial services.

The inability to claim ITCs could incentivize financial institutions to purchase goods and services in non-harmonized provinces (where only the 5% GST would normally apply) to the detriment of harmonized provinces. To prevent this from happening the ETA and the Selected Listed Financial Institutions Attribution Method (GST/HST) Regulations(“SLFI Regulations”) outline special attribution method rules (the “SAM rules”) under which Selected Listed Financial Institutions (“SLFIs”) must determine their provincial HST component based on where they supply the exempt financial services rather than where they purchase their inputs. In this context, net tax is calculated using “attribution percentages” that are based on the type of financial institution.

The Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) recently dealt with these complex SAM Rules in Farm Credit Canada v. Canada, 2017 FCA 244. In this case, the Appellant was a federal Crown corporation that provided specialized financial services to the farming industry. Unlike most of its private financial institution competitors, the Appellant did not accept or fund its loans from public deposits. 

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