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As we have previously written about here, the CRA has been modernizing its electronic services.  As part of these changes, the CRA has updated the GST/HST e-filing returns to require additional lines of detail.  Businesses e-filing their GST/HST returns need to understand this new change and complete their GST/HST e-filing returns properly!

As of May 13, 2024, registrants e-filing their GST/HST returns have been encountering the new forms, and the CRA reminded registrants of the change in its Excise GST/HST News – No. 117

Those who previously filed paper returns will immediately recognize these additional details as lines from the paper returns which have now been migrated over to the e-filing system.

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With the new Canadian fuel charge provided for in the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (the “GGPPA”), many Canadian and non-resident oil and gas companies doing business in Canada with fossil fuel products have now successfully registered. 

Now comes the unexpectedly difficult part: monthly reporting.

General Reporting Requirement

In general, the GGPPA imposes timely reporting requirements including monthly returns for most businesses that are not “road carriers”.  Most returns are due the last day of the calendar month (1) following a registrant’s reporting period OR (2) following the reporting period in which a charge became payable for non-registrants.

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As we have blogged about here and here, the CRA is after a whole swath of residential homeowners who are finding themselves being taxed on the sale of their new or used residential properties, after substantially renovating them.

A recent decision of the Tax Court of Canada (“TCC”) in Bryan v. The King, 2024 TCC 108 highlights the problems that homeowners face when going into these ventures with possible “dual motivations”. 

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As we have blogged here and here, dealing with and appealing Director’s Liability Assessments for GST/HST purposes or source withholding purposes on the Income Tax side is generally an uphill battle. 

The Tax Court’s recent decision in Donaldson v. The King (2022 TCC 159) underscores that a corporation dealing with business down-turns by holding off on paying the CRA its required remittances is a losing strategy!

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Since the GST was first implemented in 1991, a continual source of misconception has been that the GST represents a single tax.  In fact, there are potentially four different applications of the GST – i.e., reflected in Divisions II through IV.1 of the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”). When combined with the provincial HST component, further permutations can occur.

A major source of work (because of mistakes made by Canadian residents and non-residents alike) has been the application of Divisions II and III of the ETA, which are reviewed here, and which can quite counterintuitively result in the application of both a 5% GST and up-to a 15% GST/HST on one single supply of goods.  Effectively, tax applying twice on a single transaction!

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Hits: 502

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