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John Bassindale & Caroline McPhail - Tax & Trade Blog

International Trade Report



As we blogged on previously here and here, the surtaxes imposed on certain Chinese goods imported into Canada have the potential to place undue burdens on Canadian businesses relying on those products. 

The recently implemented China Surtax Remission Order (2024) (the “Order”) provides much needed remission for Canadian businesses.  Continue reading this Report for more details.

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Hits: 135

Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) recently updated their policy on administrative reviews under the Special Import Measures Act.  These changes are substantial, and amount to an overhaul of the previous policy.

From Ad Hoc To Annual Reviews

The new changes are reflected in Memo D14-1-8, the most significant being the shift from an ad hoc review system to one of annual reviews.  The purpose of the change is to ensure that any updates to normal values, export prices, and subsidy values (“SIMA values”) are more consistently maintained and updated as necessary. 

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Hits: 265

The Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) resets its “audit priority areas” twice per year.  Essentially, the CBSA designates certain tariff classification codes as priority areas for customs verifications (i.e., “audits”), based on the program areas which the CBSA believes pose significant risk for important non-compliance in tariff classification, valuation, and origin of goods.

The CBSA has released its January 2025 Trade Compliance Verification priorities, setting the stage for the next six (6) months.    As is often the case, most of the focus is on tariff classification.

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Hits: 255

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